
Greetings and salutations, Dear Reader, and thank you for joining me on this humble writing journey. I am Jane Hadley, writer of romantic historical fiction and abuser of footnotes. By day, I work in K12 history education and by night, flit between a number of different hobbies, all of which intrigue my historically-oriented mind, but none of which provide me with greater satisfaction than writing about people falling in love.

I study history because I think it’s an incredible way to learn about what it means to be human. The connections across time point to the things that are most true about us. At this point, I’m pretty convinced that one of those things is an incredible capacity for love and an abiding need for belonging. And while historical nonfiction is a genre that people write in, my easily distracted Id demands feels, pining, inner turmoil, angst, and smut to write so … romance it is!